Various indications
- Addiction medicine: Writing of a review article on opioid withdrawal with publication in an international journal
- Anxiety: Creation of content for websites on a herbal medicinal product
- Environmental medicine: Creation of numerous medical-scientific slide decks for use at congresses
- Health/Prevention: Creation and layout of numerous study summaries (onepager/twopager) on the use of vitamins/minerals in prevention therapy
- Health/Prevention: Reference check, proofreading and layout of a scientific brochure on vitamin C
- Hernia surgery: Conception and realization of brochures for the patient communication on mesh implants
- Intensive care: Writing of a German benefit dossier for the AMNOG process
- Neurosurgery: Creation of a digital presentation tool on an innovative shunt system for hydrocephalus therapy
- Nuclear medicine: Conception and realization of brochures and panels on the topic of radiosynthesis for trade fair communication
- Nuclear medicine: Creation of an animated film about an innovative radiosynthesis system
- Nuclear medicine: Conception and realization of a brochure on the imaging of Alzheimer's disease
- Osteoporosis: Press releases on the therapy with bisphosphonates
- Palliative medicine: Writing of a position paper on stoma care
- Palliative medicine: Translation of German texts on stoma care into English
- Pediatric dermatology: Implementation of medical training on infantile hemangioma for pharmaceutical sales representatives
- Phlebology: Writing of a research paper on enzyme therapy with publication in an international medical journal
- Radiotherapy: Conception and realization of English-language brochures and a product monograph on intraoperative radiotherapy
- Radiotherapy: Writing of HTA documents on intraoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer
- Radiotherapy: Minuting of an international advisory board meeting on the topic of brachytherapy
- Veterinary medicine: Text for brochures and creation of claims for an innovative veterinary medicinal product for otitis media