Our team
At co.medical we have a multi-professional team of dedicated physicians, scientists, communication experts and medical graphic designers. With a high level of medical expertise and communication skills, we know how to effectively support our clients in achieving their goals.

Dr. Holger Müller
Co-Managing Director

Dr. Julia A. Gaebler
Managing Director

Dr. Alexander Boreham

Dr. Michael Wördehoff

Dr. Susanne Neureuther-Keckeis

Dr. Philipp Bauknecht

Dr. Christiane Ring

Dr. Juliane Schreier

Dr. Stefan Baumanns

Nurunnisa Sari, M. Sc.

Dr. med. Juliane Scholz

Dr. Linda Sawade

Lisa Kramer, M. Sc.

Lisa Kiesel, Pharmacist

Dr. med. vet. Anne Beiersdorf

Dr. Bastian Gaus

Leonie Hirt, M. Sc.

Lucia Rohfleisch, M.Sc.

Dr. Martin Rohrer

Dr. Kai Lucaßen

Hans Hirsch, B. A.

Miriam Fischer, B.A.

Julian Radlinger, M. Sc.

Hannes Fuß
Publications of our team members (selection)
- Domke T, Meyer-Ács M, Phung T and Esser M: Gentherapeutika in der frühen Nutzenbewertung. Market Access & Health Policy 2021; 11(3): 26–28.
- Fischer C, Esser M. Strategien zur Verbesserung der Adhärenz. Pharma Relations 2020; 6(19):19-22
- Bamberger M, Leverkus F, Hellhammer J, Esser M, Breitkopf S. Klinische Prüfungen mit Psychopharmaka aus Sicht der frühen Nutzenbewertung. Fachzeitschrift für pharmazeutische Medizin und Qualitätsmanagement 2020; 22(2):86-90
- Esser M, Boreham A. Patient Journeys im Pharmamarketing. Patient Relations 2019;3(19):14-15
- Esser M, Schreier J, Thaa B. Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität in der frühen Nutzenbewertung: Stellenwert, Evidenznachweis und Auswertung aktueller Verfahren. Pharmazeutische Medizin 2018;20(2):68-75
- Thaa, M, Esser, M, Schwenke C. Indirekte Vergleiche in der Nutzenbewertung. Market Access & Health Policy 2018; 8(6): 22–24
- Villmow J. Außendienstpräsentationen für Pharma und Medizintechnik: Weshalb Sie spätestens jetzt auf digitale Präsentationen umsteigen sollten. Pharma Relations 2017; 6(17):34-35
- Esser M, Schreier J, Thaa B. Lebensqualität in der frühen Nutzenbewertung. Market Access & Health Policy 2017; 7(5):26-28
- Esser M, Boreham A. Ärztliche Meinungsbildner im AMNOG. Market Access & Health Policy 2017; 7(3):28-29
- Esser M, Schreier J. Visuelle Nutzenkommunikation. Market Access & Health Policy 2017; 7(1):28-29
- Watson M, Esser M. Writing, publishing, and disseminating a medical review. Medical Writing 2016; 25(4):31-33
- Esser M. Placebo- und Nocebokommunikation in der Ästhetischen Chirurgie. Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie 2016; 9(2):74-76
- Esser M. Storytelling: Mehrdimensionale Inhalte statt eindimensionale Werbung. PM-Report 2016; 35(4):18-19
- Varghese F, Thaa B, Amrun S et al. The antiviral alkaloid berberine reduces chikungunya virus-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling. J Virol 2016; 90(21):9743-9757
- Esser M, Guyomard C. Patientenkommunikation: Wie Pharmaunternehmen Patienten erreichen. Patient Relations 2015; 15(7):20-21
- Schreier J, Esser M. Wie Sie vom Beratungsgespräch beim G-BA profitieren. Market Access & Health Policy 2015; 5(3):28-29
- Boreham A, Pikkemaat J, Volz P et al. Detecting and quantifying biomolecular interactions of a dendritic polyglycerol sulfate nanoparticle using fluorescence lifetime measurements. Molecules 2015; 24; 21(1):E22
- Witting M, Boreham A, Brodwolf R et al. Interactions of hyaluronic acid with the skin and implications for the dermal delivery of biomacromolecules. Mol Pharm 2015; 12(5):1391-401
- Thaa B, Biasiotto R, Eng K et al. Differential PI3K–Akt–mTOR activation by Semliki Forest and chikungunya virus is dependent on nsP3 and connected to replication complex internalization. J. Virol. 2015; 89(22):11420-11437
- Panas MD, Schulte T, Thaa B et al Viral and cellular proteins containing FGDF motifs bind G3BP to block stress granule formation. PLoS Pathogens 2015; 11(2):e1004659
- Esser M, Umbach G. Die Planung der Klinikkommunikation mit dem Vierstufenmodell. Management & Krankenhaus 2014; 33(3):6
- Schreier J, Esser M, Umbach G. Organisation von Advisory Board Meeting und Expertenrunden: Erfolgreich mit der 7-Punkte-Methode. Pharma Relations 2014; 14(12):17
- Esser M, Guyomard C. Bessere Patientenführung durch gezielten Einsatz von Nozebo- und Plazebokommunikation. Frauenarzt 2013; 54(1):58-59
- Guyomard C, Esser M. Nozebo- und Plazeboeffekt – Nutzen für die Kommunikation mit Diabetespatienten. Der Diabetologe 2013; 9(5):356-358
- Esser M, Lang S. Brand Language: Worte mit Wirkung. PM-Report 2013; 1(32):18-20
- Guyomard C, Esser M. Patientenkommunikaton zwischen Nozebo- und Placeboeffekt. Der Pneumologe 2013; 10(2):134-136
- Esser M, Lang S. Patientenansprache mit Empathie. Arzneimittelzeitung 2012; 23(7): 20
- Esser M, Umbach G. Patienteninformation in Zeiten von Informationsinfarkt und Cyberchondrie. PM-Report 2012; 31(10):14-16
- Esser M, Lang S. Improving patient communication by writing with Empathy. Medical Writing 2012; 21(4): 305-307
- Thaa B, Tielesch C, Möller L et al Growth of influenza A virus is not impeded by simultaneous removal of the cholesterol-binding and acylation sites in the M2 protein. J Gen Virol 2012; 93(2):282-292
- Esser M, Fuß H. Mobiles Healthcaremarketing: 10 entscheidende Punkte für Konzeption und Umsetzung. Healthcare Marketing 2011; 10(8):64-66
- Esser M, Riehn J. Storytelling für Healthcare als neuer Trend: Wie Sie die Geschichte Ihres Produkts erzählen und damit Markenbindung aufbauen. PM-eReport 2011; 1(1):1-4
- Boreham A, Kim TY1, Spahn V et al. Exploiting Fluorescence Lifetime Plasticity in FLIM: Target molecule localization in cells and tissues. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2011; 2(10):724-728
- Esser M. Medical Education für Patienten: Ein Update. PM-Report 2010; 7(29):18-19
- Esser M, Lang S. Texte in der Pharmakommunikation. Healthcare Marketing 2010; 7(7):28-30
- Lang S, Esser M. Writing in science and marketing – Are they really separate worlds? The Write Stuff 2010; 19(3):178-179
- Thaa B, Herrmann A, Veit M Intrinsic cytoskeleton-dependent clustering of influenza virus M2 protein with hemagglutinin assessed by FLIM-FRET. J Virol 2010; 84(23):12445-12449
- Esser M, Gianni G. Medical Education auch für Patienten. Healthcare Marketing 2009; Sonderdruck aus 4(6):2-4
- Esser M. Medical Education: Markttrends und Erfolgsfaktoren. Arzneimittelzeitung 2009; 22(1):9
- Esser M. 20 Jahre Kontrastmittel in der MRT. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlung und der bildgebenden Verfahren (RöFo) 2009; 1(181):105
- Lang S. Ein Plädoyer für den Abstract. Laborjournal 2009; 10(15):98-99
- Esser M. Wirtschaftlichkeitsprüfung von Arzneimitteln: Chance für die Pharmakommunikation. Pharma Relations 2008; 2(8):44-45
- Lang S. Können Naturwissenschaft und Literatur voneinander profitieren? Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 2008; 61(4):178-180
- Knopp MV, Balzer T, Esser M et al. Assessment of utilization and pharmacovigilance based on spontaneous adverse event reporting of gadopentetate dimeglumine as a magnetic resonace contrast agent. Investig Radiol 2006; 41(6):491-498
- Schlierf B, Lang S, Kosian T et al. The high-mobility group transcription factor Sox10 interacts with the N-myc-interacting protein Nmi. J Mol Biol 2005; 353(5):1033-1042
- Niendorf HP, Esser M. The Magnevist experience. In: JF Debatin, H Hricak, HP Niendorf, M Esser (eds): MRI − from current knowledge to new horizons. 2003; 5-14
- Esser M, Brunner H. Economic evaluations of granulocyte colony stimulating factor in the prevention and treatment of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. Pharmacoeconomics 2003; 21(18):1295-1313
- Lang S, Hartner A, Sterzel RB et al. Requirement of cyclin D1 in mesangial cell mitogenesis. J Am Soc Nephrol 2000; 11(8):1398-1408
- Schocklmann HO, Lang S, Kralewski M et al. Distinct structural forms of type I collagen modulate cell cycle regulatory proteins in mesangial cells. Kidney Int 2000; 58(3):1108-1120
- Haas CS, Schocklmann HO, Lang S et al. Regulatory mechanism in glomerular mesangial cell proliferation. J Nephrol 1999; 12(6):405-415
- Schocklmann HO, Lang S, Sterzel RB. 1999. Regulation of mesangial cell proliferation. Kidney Int 1999; 56(4): 1199-1207
What matters to us
Better healthcare
We are committed to demonstrating the value of our clients’ pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices or digital health care applications to authorities, health insurances or other health care institutions with expertise and passion – to improve the health care of patients.
Complete transparency
Our clients should be able to fully trust us. We believe in clear communication and complete transparency, from our quote and the first step of the project right up to the feedback after project completion – to ensure that you have a complete understanding of what we do at all times.
Maximum benefit
As a service provider our long-term existence depends on the value of our services for our clients. We work agile, service oriented and in line with your processes – to achieve the best possible results for you as a client.
Industry collaborations with HCPs and patients is a challenging venture due to many regulations such as ethical rules, transparency codes or drug acts. We have the required knowledge and necessary awareness to adhere to all the relevant regulations – to ensure that our clients are always on the safe side.
We have built a culture where differences in gender, ethnic background, religion and sexual orientation are respected. With diverse teams working together, we increase creativity and innovation – to achieve added value for our clients.
We care about our environment, work paperless and encourage remote work as not having to commute to work reduces gasoline consumption and energy – to minimize our carbon footprint.