
  • Bronchitis: Writing of a research paper on the therapy with a phytopharmeuceutical for publication in an international medical journal
  • COPD: Assistance with a benefit dossier for the German Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)
  • Covid-19: Patient information on oncology and Covid-19
  • Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF): Web text for health care professionals and patients on the therapy with an innovative medicinal product
  • Lung cancer: Writing of a review article on the treatment with an innovative drug with publication in a German-language medical journal
  • Lung cancer: Writing of numerous case reports on the use of an innovative drug
  • Lung cancer: Writing of case histories on palliative therapy
  • Lung cancer: Literature research and literature selection for a meta-analysis
  • Lung cancer: Support for numerous advisory board meetings
  • Lung emphysema: Writing of a paper on a meta-analysis on the use of endobronchial coils