Orphan Diseases
- alpha-Mannosidosis: KOL-Mapping for the selection of clinical experts for cooperation project with a pharmaceutical company
- alpha-Mannosidosis: Writing of a review article on the treatment with an innovative drug with publication in a German medical journal
- Amyloidosis: Minuting of numerous advisory board meetings
- Amyloidosis: Writing of case reports on the treatment with an innovative drug
- Cystinosis: KOL-Mapping for the selection of clinical experts for cooperation with a pharmaceutical company
- Familial chylomicronemic syndrome: Minuting of numerous advisory board meetings
- Familial chylomicronemic syndrome: Creation of case reports on the treatment with an innovative drug
- Familial chylomicronemic syndrome: Creation of medical-scientific slide decks
- Growth hormone deficiency: Conception and realization of mailings on hormone substitution
- Hairy cell leukemia: Conception, organization and minuting of an international advisory board meeting
- Hemolytic–uremic syndrome: Writing of text for newsletters on the treatment with an innovative drug
- Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF): Web text for health care professionals and patients on the therapy with an innovative drug
- Myelofibrosis: Assistance with a benefit dossier for the German Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)
- Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD): Assistance with a benefit dossier for the German Federal Joint Committee (G-BA)