
  • Colorectal cancer: Writing of a review article on the management of side effects with publication in an international journal
  • Colorectal cancer: Writing of a review article on the optimal treatment sequence with publication in an international journal
  • Colorectal cancer: Creation of a medical-scientific slide deck on diagnostics, epidemiology and therapy
  • Esophagitis: Creation of a scientific poster on the treatment with an innovative meddrug for an international congress
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: Minuting of numerous advisory board meetings on the use of biologics
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: Creation of medical-scientific slide decks on the latest study data on biologics
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: Creation of numerous abstracts of medical-scientific presentations
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: Creation of brochures on phytopharmaceuticals for health care professionals and patients
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: Creation of illustrations
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: Translation of medical-scientific materials (slide decks, poster, brochures, abstracts) from English into German
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: Writing of text on the topic of iron deficiency
  • Pancreatic carcinoma: Writing of a textbook chapter on diagnosis and therapy
  • Pancreatic carcinoma: Creation of a CME-certified training on diagnosis and therapy
  • Pancreatic carcinoma: Writing of a research paper on a phase-III-study with publication in an international journal
  • Pancreatic carcinoma: Writing of a research paper on a non-interventional study on the use of a targeted therapy for publication in a German medical journal
  • Pancreatic carcinoma: Writing of a review article on novel drug-based therapeutic strategies with publication in an international journal
  • Pancreatic carcinoma: Translation of a pocket book for medical professionals from German into English
  • Pancreatitis: Creation of a medical-scientific slide deck on new treatment options with an innovative drug